Time Management – Learning to say ‘no’

Important aspects of time management and assertiveness which many people find very difficult to do, is to simply say ‘no’ to unreasonable requests and demands on their time. We don’t have to meet the expectations of everyone. When is the request unreasonable? When you know it is

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Coaching and mentoring – a social responsibility

Coaching and Mentoring beyond your employees With a good mentoring and coaching programme and increased motivation, come job satisfaction and the staying power of employees. It comes as no surprise therefore that good mentoring and coaching programmes for employees, as well as for the broader community by

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The Effectiveness of the Job Applicant Selection Process

On what is the decision to hire someone generally based? Any of several methods are currently used in the process of hiring a job applicant. Below is a discussion of a number of methods currently in use. Interview This method of establishing job applicant suitability is subjective and

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Strategies for balancing life as a working student

  Balancing work, home and student life, takes superhuman effort and a significant adjustment to family life as students tend to make the most compromises in that area of their lives in order to disrupt work performance as little as possible while keeping up with a relentless

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Managing Non-performing Employees

Every employer faces the dilemma of handling an employee who is not performing, or letting the side down. Employers frequently respond to employee non-performance by turning to disciplinary action, performance management or reviews to address the problem. The tendency of employers to discipline and performance manage, which

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Think before you Act

How we perceive information in the workplace is as important as what we perceive. Being aware of employees’ thought processes within an organisation should facilitate effective communication from the boardroom to the storeroom. Conflict in the workplace is still common despite the attention given to understanding management

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Handwriting reveals potential for conflict in team members. No business can avoid team activities as part of their ongoing functionality. The coach has the daunting task of getting existing teams to work harmoniously ultimately to reach higher levels of performance. Harmonious working together implies getting divergent personalities

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Teaching Modes at our Institute

Students can opt to study our courses through contact/online classes (blended learning). Students attend 3 hour sessions (over weekends), separated by month long online tuition which provides self correcting activities concluding the module with a final examination.

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